Vitamins - Susan Weed
Vitamin A: Vitamin A formed in the liver from ingested carotenes and carotenoids. No plants contain it. Liver, milk, and eggs do. In pill form, vitamin A can cause birth defects, hair loss, and liver stress.
Depleted by: Coffee, alcohol, cortisone, mineral oil, fluorescent lights, liver “cleansing,” excessive intake of iron, lack of protein.

Vitamin B complex: For healthy digestion, good liver function, emotional flexibility, less anxiety, sound sleep, milder hot flashes with less sweating, steady heart beat.
Depleted by: Coffee, alcohol, tobacco, refined sugar, raw oysters, hormone replacement, birth control pills (deplete B6 especially).
Food Sources of B vitamins: Whole grains, well-cooked greens, organ meat (liver, kidneys, heart), sweet potatoes, carrots, molasses, nuts, bananas, avocados, grapes, pears; egg yolks, sardines, herring, salmon, crab, oysters, whey.
Herbal Sources of B vitamins: Red clover blossoms, parsley leaf, oatstraw. See also specific factors, following.

Vitamin B1, Thiamine: For emotional ease, strong nerves.
Food Sources of B1, Thiamine: Asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, barley grass, seaweeds, citrus fruits.
Herbal Sources of B1, Thiamine: Peppermint, burdock, sage, yellow dock, alfalfa, red clover, fenugreek seeds, raspberry leaves, nettle, catnip, watercress, yarrow leaf/flower, rose buds and hips.

Vitamin B2, Riboflavin: For more energy, healthy skin, less cancer.
Depleted by: Hot flashes, crying jags, antibiotics, tranquilizers.
Food Sources of B2, Riboflavin: Beans, greens, onions, seaweeds, yogurt, cheese, milk, mushrooms.
Herbal Sources of B2, Riboflavin: Peppermint, alfalfa greens, parsley, echinacea, yellow dock, hops; dandelion root, ginseng, dulse, kelp, fenugreek seed, rose hips, nettles.

Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine: For improved immune functioning; especially needed by women using hormone replacement.
Food Sources of B6: Baked potato with skin, broccoli, prunes, bananas, dried beans, lentils; meat, poultry, fish.

Vitamin B factor, Folic acid (folate): For strong, flexible bones, easy nerves.
Food Sources of folic acid (folate): Leafy greens, liver, kidney, lentils, whole grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables.
Herbal Sources of Folic acid: Leaves: Nettles, alfalfa, parsley, sage, catnip, peppermint, plantain, comfrey, chickweed.

Vitamin B factor, Niacin: For relief of anxiety and depression, decrease in headaches, reduction of blood cholesterol levels.
Food Sources of Niacin: Asparagus, cabbage, bee pollen.
Herbal Sources of Niacin: Hops, raspberry leaf, red clover; slippery elm, echinacea, licorice, rose hips, nettle, alfalfa, parsley.

Vitamin B12: For healthy metabolism, stronger eyes, better memory, more energy, less cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, fibromylagia, and depression. Aids adsorption of all other minerals, especially calcium.
Depleted by: Unfermented soy, lack of animal foods in the diet.
Food Sources of B12: Liver, kidney, yogurt, cheese, milk, eggs, meat, poultry, shellfish.
Herbal Sources of B12: None.

Bioflavonoids: For healthy heart and blood vessels, fewer hot flashes and night sweats, less menstrual bleeding, unlumpy breasts, less water retention, less anxiety, less irritable nerves.
Food Sources of Bioflavonoids: Citrus pulp and rind.
Herbal Sources of Bioflavonoids: Buckwheat greens, elder berries, hawthorn fruits, rose hips, horsetail, shepherd’s purse, chervil.

Carotenes: For a well-lubricated vagina, strong bones, protection against cancer, healthy lungs and skin, strong vision, good digestion.
s, seaweeds, cantaloupe.
Herbal Sources of Carotenes: Peppermint, yellow dock, uva ursi, parsley, alfalfa, raspberry, nettles, dandelion greens; kelp, green onions, violet leaves, cayenne, paprika, lamb’s quarters leaves, sage, chickweed, horsetail, black cohosh roots, rose hips.

Vitamin C complex: For less intense hot flashes, less insomnia and night sweats, stronger bones, fewer headaches, better resistance to infection, smoother emotions, less heart disease, rapid wound healing. Critical to good adrenal functioning, especially during menopause.
Depleted by: Antibiotics, aspirin and other pain relievers, coffee, stress, aging, smoking, baking soda, high fever.
Food Sources of Vitamin C: Freshly picked foods, cooked potatoes.
Herbal Sources of Vitamin C: Rose hips, yellow dock root, raspberry leaf, red clover, hops; pine needles, dandelion greens, alfalfa greens, echinacea, skullcap, plantain, parsley, cayenne, paprika.

Vitamin D: For very strong, very flexible bones, hormonal ease, cancer prevention, regulation of glucose metabolism, reduction of risk of adult onset diabetes.
Depleted by: Mineral oil used on the skin, frequent hot baths, sunscreen with SPF8 or higher.
Food Sources of Vitamin D: Sunlight, butter, egg yolk, cod liver oil; liver, shrimp, fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna).
Herbal Sources of Vitamin D: None. Vitamin D is not found in plants.

Vitamin E: for milder hot flashes, fewer night sweats, protection from cancer, fewer signs of aging, fewer wrinkles, moist vagina, strong heart, freedom from arthritis.
Depleted by: Mineral oil, sulfates, hormone replacement.
Food Sources of Vitamin E: Freshly ground whole-grain flours, cold-pressed oils; fresh nuts, peanut butter, leafy greens, cabbage, asparagus.
Herbal Sources of Vitamin E: Alfalfa, rosehips, nettles, dong quai, watercress, dandelion, seaweeds, wild seeds (lamb’s quarters, plantain).

Essential fatty acids (EFAs), including GLA, omega-6 and omega-3. For a healthy heart, less severe hot flashes, strong nerves, strong bones, well-functioning endocrine glands, fewer wrinkles.
Food Sources of EFAs: Flax seeds, cod liver oil, wheat germ oil, whole grains; seeds such as borage, evening primrose, black currant, hemp, safflower, and their oils.
Herbal Sources of EFAs: All wild plants, but very few cultivated plants, contain EFAs; fresh purslane is notably high.

Folic Acid (Folate): See vitamin B factor, folic acid.

Vitamin K: For less menstrual flooding, stronger bones.
Depleted by: X-rays, radiation, air pollution, enemas, frozen foods, antibiotics, rancid fats, aspirin.
Food Sources of Vitamin K: Healthy intestinal bacteria produce vitamin K; green leafy vegetables, yogurt, egg yolk, blackstrap molasses.
Herbal Sources of Vitamin K: Nettle, alfalfa, kelp, green tea.


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Home and Water Birth Services ~ Danette Condon, Midwife © 2013